Reduced energy and water energy can be transformed into energy of motion . Motion energy of wind and water can move the wheel .
1 . windmill
The windmill is a windmill -driven wind . The form and materials affect the windmill windmill motion . Material is more rigid and lighter mebuat round wheel tighter . In the UK and the Netherlands , there are lots of giant windmills ,
Traditional windmill used for grinding grain or pumping water to irrigate plantations . The windmill is also used to turn a generator . Generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy .
2 . Water turbines .
Waterwheel wheel which is driven by the energy of water , causing the water Brunt waterwheel spins . Increasingly heavy water flow , faster and faster lap wheel .
Era, this modern , mingkin waterwheel is rarely found , however , many benefits that derive from energy waterwheel .
Waterwheel benefits are as follows :
a. To lift water from lower to higher ground .
b . To irrigate the fields . Water was brought spin up and be decanted into paddy irrigation channels .
c . To turn a generator of electrical energy generation .
A wide variety of energy sources in nature can be classified into two general categories :
1 . Sources of non-renewable energy is an energy source that is when they are used up , no longer can be formed in a short time .
examples . kerosene , gasoline , natural gas , and coal .
2 . Sources of renewable energy is a natural resource that dimudah obtained and can not be discharged .
examples . food , water , wind , and solar .
Saving energy is using energy as possible . We need to conserve energy , especially non-renewable energy . Saving energy can be done at home , at school or in their daily lives .
1 . saving Electricity
electric menghmat way , for example :
a. using a light sleep at night .
b . turn off electric lights during the day .
c . turn off the television if it is not seen or other power tools are not used .
d . use energy-saving lamps .
2 . Fuel Saving Earth
a. How to save petrol
1 . Use the oil burner as needed .
2 . Turn off the stove when not needed .
3 . Using energy-efficient stoves .
b . How to save on gasoline
1 . Do not start the engine or motor car unnecessarily .
2 . wear a bicycle or on foot if traveling pretty close .
3 . Menggunakakendaraan common when traveling .
3 . saving Water
How to conserve water are:
a. Turning off the tap when the tub is full .
b . Using wash water used for watering the yard .
c . Using water as needed .
source : a book of logic
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