Monday, 3 March 2014

seed planting rubber

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In life these days for people who have land or gardens and with a tempting price of rubber , almost all want to grow rubber so no regular income without having to spend all day working . for it is here I will give you some tips / how to make a nice rubber seeds . 

1 . With Rubber Seed .

In producing rubber seed could use rubber seed by the way :

Prepare polibek size 25 x 35 cm .

Prepare rubber seed

Fill with soil polibek up 3/4 polibek ,
after the input rubber seed on soil pile is in polibek . Wait up to one year to process out sprouts from the seed to grow rubber trees little later , after almost one year then be mated with entres , wait again until next leaf out of the new umbrella could ditanamh in your garden , the leaves of the umbrella out about 2 3 months .

 2 . With the rubber tree ( kongkoak )

Find kongkoak in rubber plantation , after the input to the soil that is already filled polibek polibek size similar to the above , for how to wear kongkoak , to be mated countless requires a time not too long about 2 or 3 months , after dikawnkan wait until 2-3 months until a new leaf out of the umbrella can be planted the garden you .Planting Method :Prepare a hole the size of 40x40 cm width and 60 cm in itsBe careful to insert the rubber seeds into the hole as it will damage the integrity of the land that has been closed by polibek .

Sobek bottom polibek first then input into a hole that has been provided , then tear polibek edge, after polibek already taken , then enter the results of the soil to make a hole .

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