Objects can move in different ways . Kinds - among other kinds of motion objects rolling , spinning , bouncing , falling , and flowing .
1 . roll
Rolling motion is the motion of rotating the switch . Rolling motion occurs in the body shape is round , round , and tubes .
For example : motion rolling motion of the ball is kicked , flicked marbles and drum driven .
2 . spin
Rotary motion occurs in a circular object . Objects are generally spinning on the shaft or axis . The shaft serves as axes of motion .
For example : in a windmill motion , bicycle wheels and fan .
3 . ricochet
Bouncing motion is the motion of objects reversed course after the field is hard . Objects bouncing round shape . Bouncing motion only occurs in flexible rubber objects .
For example : basketball, tennis and ball jacks .
4 . fall
Motion is the motion of bodies falling from the top down . This motion occurs in all forms of objects . All objects can fall if nothing is holding .
For example : the book falls off the table and mango fruit fell from the tree.
5 . flow
Liquid moves from place to place a low height . Movement is done is called the liquid flow.
For example, water is poured from a jug into a glass and flowing waterfall flowing from top to bottom .
Gas can also be cascaded .
For example, the gas flow from the pump into the tire .
B. The Things That Affect Motion Objects
Objects can move fast or slow . Fast or slow the movement is influenced by several things :
1 . shape objects
Shape of the object affects the motion of the object. object shaped like a round ball will roll faster than objects or box -shaped tube .
2 . Size and Weight Objects
The motion of objects is affected by the size and weight of the object . Small objects easier to move than large objects . Lightweight objects easier to move than the heavy object .
For example : basketball and marbles rolled on the floor with the same energy . marbles would be faster than basketball .
3 . Surface Objects
Body surface area also affects the motion of falling objects . For example , in the form of a sheet of paper fall more slowly than the crumpled paper .
4 . Crossed Tracks the object surface
The motion of objects is also influenced by the shape of the track surface in its path . For example , marbles rolling on the floor easier than the rocky yard . Objects more easily roll off the surface is smooth rather than rough . The more rugged surface traversed lintasa object , the slower the motion of objects through it .
source : a book of logic
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