Monday, 3 March 2014

method of learning to read children

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Patience and persistence in teaching children is very important in mebaca owned by the parents at home , in addition to patience and perseverance supervisor should also have some methods in guiding children to read can be read quickly , for that I will here give some methods , so that the child can read faster .  

1 . Spelling 
Spelling is an old way used serig parents or teachers to teach reading . You do this by introducing the alphabet one by one first and memorize the sound . The next step is to memorize the sound of a series of alphabet / letters into a syllable . At first series of two -letter , three -letter , four -letter until the child is able to read in its entirety. The weakness of this method is difficult toddlers weave letter sounds with each other . Why b plus a finished ba ( and not be- a) . The next downside is after your child masters a series of syllables , the child will have difficulty returning to eliminate the spelling so rather inhibit their ability to read normally . As in the said suit , they would spell , be- a " ba " , je - u " ju " , clothes . Quite possibly additional process is required to eliminate the habit of " be- a" and " je - u " is.

2 . Reading with Pictures The pictures are very interesting . Especially colorful picture , of course the kids loved it. Teaching reading with a very good image , especially to provide pre- reading experience for children . This method is useful to give a sense to the child that it's a meaningless posts . That the letters are strung together to form a word that has meaning . However , teaching with the help of images has several drawbacks , namely , it is difficult to prepare props stable image with writing / standardized , then the kids tend to pay attention to the pictures than writing . Suppose we teach about the image of a newspaper . Written below the picture " newspaper " . It could be on another occasion when we asked again , with the same picture , with the same inscription - " newspaper " - , is reading what , they will answer " paper " . Because they could have had time to obtain information as it is also that which can also be called a " newspaper " . Here we can see that children tend to read a picture not read the alphabet .

3 . Reading the " Overall " new " section " How This refers to the Gestalt theory , namely the theory that suggests that a person is usually looking at everything as a whole first, and pay attention to the parts and details. You do this by introducing a complete sentence first, then sort out parts into a word , this word again divided into syllables , from syllables divided into several letters . For example : This is nana nana i ni na na nana This method is proven to be effective for primary school age . However , in experiments on children under five do not give the same results . They are easily discouraged because it was difficult to even do the blocking ( silent , strike read ) .

4 . Method of word cards word cards are made from white paper plastered giant letters at 10 × 10 cm with gold foil letters to form the word " close " to the child . This card is repeatedly demonstrated in children with the sound of his reading . If the child has been able to read one word card set , then followed by another 1 set with somewhat smaller size , and so on until the child can read normal letters . This method is commonly known Glenn Doman method . Necessary patience and tremendous patience if we want to use this method . Both in terms of modeling time , funds , and making of props . This method also tends to make children " memorize the word " not " reading" . For example in the early stages of a child easily mimicked a word , eg " Qonita " when shown the card says " Qonita " and easily mimicked the word " mother " card when shown the word " mother " . However , although it can read Qonita and mother , is very difficult when children have to read the word " blind " without being taught , which is actually part of the word " mother " and " Qonita " . However, such a method to read the picture is also very good method to give pre reading experience for children .

5 . Syllables Reading Method Method read syllables similar to methods IQRA . Read the Latin alphabet with the first combining consonants and vowels . Thus forming syllables reads . For example ba , we immediately introduce the ba . Not spelled out in advance . Thus , for children who do not know each other's names in alphabetical advised not need to memorize the names of the alphabet , az , first. So when directly introduced consonants and capital has been sequenced ( shaped syllables ) . For example : a ba a ba ba ba ba ba ba a ca a ca a ca ba ba ba ba ca a ca a ba ca .So then gradually da , fa , until then za ba , bi , bu , be , bo , and so on until the consonant sounds are introduced , ng , and ny . Usually when a child difficulty distinguishing sounds and da ba , pa and qa . To solve it , paste it in a series of letters often look ' hard ' is that more often read. For the next series of words , make words mean so that they can while knowing another insight . Such as syllables da , given examples chest said . Stop for a moment , ask them , "Well the chest , the chest what is it?" When they were brought to light . Compliment them , " Thank God already knows a great Aa chest , added great meaning now yes , it was able to read the word chest .. " . And do not forget also to constantly remind us that the baby is God who makes them able to read . Like adding at each end of time to study , " Who made the Aa and Dede good at reading ? " . Usually they will spontaneously replied , " God ... " . Then we replied by inviting them berhamdalah together , " Thank God .. " .Similarly , the Father and Mother , may be useful and good luck !

Sources : ( esqiel /

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Assalamu Alaikum wr-wb, perkenalkan nama saya ibu Rosnida zainab asal Kalimantan Timur, saya ingin mempublikasikan KISAH KESUKSESAN saya menjadi seorang PNS. saya ingin berbagi kesuksesan keseluruh pegawai honorer di instansi pemerintahan manapun, saya mengabdikan diri sebagai guru disebuah desa terpencil, dan disini daerah tempat saya mengajar hanya dialiri listrik tenaga surya, saya melakukan ini demi kepentingan anak murid saya yang ingin menggapai cita-cita, Sudah 9 tahun saya jadi tenaga honor belum diangkat jadi PNS Bahkan saya sudah 4 kali mengikuti ujian, dan membayar 70 jt namun hailnya nol uang pun tidak kembali, bahkan saya sempat putus asah, pada suatu hari sekolah tempat saya mengajar mendapat tamu istimewa dari salah seorang pejabat tinggi dari kantor BKN pusat karena saya sendiri mendapat penghargaan pengawai honorer teladan, disinilah awal perkenalan saya dengan beliau, dan secara kebetulan beliau menitipkan nomor hp pribadinya dan 3 bln kemudian saya pun coba menghubungi beliau dan beliau menyuruh saya mengirim berkas saya melalui email, Satu minggu kemudian saya sudah ada panggilan ke jakarta untuk ujian, alhamdulillah berkat bantuan beliau saya pun bisa lulus dan SK saya akhirnya bisa keluar,dan saya sangat berterimah kasih ke pada beliau dan sudah mau membantu saya, itu adalah kisah nyata dari saya, jika anda ingin seperti saya, anda bisa Hubungi Bpk Drs Tauhid SH Msi No Hp 0853-1144-2258. siapa tau beliau masih bisa membantu anda, Wassalamu Alaikum Wr Wr ..

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