A. Forms of Energy
Many forms of energy are as follows :
1 . Thermal Energy
Thermal energy is energy generated from the heat of an object . Heat energy is also called heat energy . Heat also occurs in electrical equipment eg irons , ovens , and solder .
The benefits of heat energy are as follows :
a. Drying wet clothes ( sun ) .
b . Cooking food ( stove ) .
c . Smooth the garment ( electricity board ) .
d . Repairing electrical appliances ( electric soldering ) .
2 . Light energy
Energy is the energy of light emitted by the light source , misalnua light energy emitted by the sun , stars, fire and light . Sunlight can be used by plants to make food through photosynthesis and to illuminate the earth and everything in it during the day . At night , we need the light energy from the light to the room .
3 . energy Motion
Motion energy possessed by a moving object . Energy of motion is called kinetic energy . Motion energy can be generated by wind , flowing water , people running , and electrical equipment . An example of motion energy generating equipment is listrikyang fan , blender and electric drill .
4 . Electrical Energy
Electrical energy is the energy that arises due to electric current . Electrical energy is used in a variety of household appliances , such as irons , fans , washing machines , and blenders .
5 . Chemical energy
Chemical energy is the energy released from the chemical reaction . Chemical energy contained in many foodstuffs , fuel , batteries and battery packs .
6 . Vibration energy .
Vibrational energy produced from vibrating objects . Objects that vibrate to produce sound . The level of sound is affected by objects vibrate faster than the sound produced semakintinggi or hard . The slower and weaker vibrating object , then the resulting sound is getting weaker .
Examples of objects that produce vibrational energy is gong , violin , drums and drums .
B. Sources of energy and their role
Energy derived from a source of energy . Energy sources are the tools and materials that produce energy . energy sources around us is
1 . Foodstuffs
Humans need food for energy. Humans acquire food from animals and plants . Food will produce energy through the digestion of food in the body , among other foods Benefits of body cells to replace damaged , moving organs organs , fulfilling the purpose of life and maintain viability .
2 . Sunlight
The sun is the biggest source of energy for life on earth . Sunlight is the energy source of heat and light .
Sunlight can be used for the following things :
a. For photosynthesis .
b . Drying clothes .
c . Drying foodstuffs , such as rice , fish and crackers .
d . Electrical energy generation .
e . Making salt .
4 . water
Water movement energy sources can be used to exercise mislnya rafting , surfing , hydropower etc. ,
5 . wind
Wind is moving air .
Benefits of wind energy as follows :
a. Moving the windmills to drain rice .
b . Help fishermen sail with the wind land and sea breezes .
c . For sports , for example sailboat and parachuting .
6 . Oil and Natural Gas
Petroleum is an energy source for fuel . Examples are the petroleum processing results kerosene , petrol and diesel . Kerosene used as fuel for stoves and oil lamps . Gasoline used as a fuel for automobiles and motorcycles . Diesel fuel used for diesel engines . natural gas separately drive the steam engines used in factories as fuel and gas stoves .
7 . firewood
Fuel wood produces heat energy . Firewood is used as furnace fuel . The energy produced is used for cooking . If you are camping you can also get warm body to make a bonfire .
8 . electricity
Much electrical energy used by humans . electrical energy derived from plant sources . In the electrical appliance , electrical energy can be converted into energy of motion , light , heat and sound . some household appliances that use electricity are a fan, refrigerator , television. magic jar , etc. .
9 . battery
Batteries have a variety of shapes and sizes . Energy of batteries can be used , among other things :
a. Turning on a flashlight
b . Moving clockwise
c . Moving toy car
d . rang the radio
source : a book of logic
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